Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome to the Magic

By 7:45 AM I was already heading through the gate be assigned an apartment. I found two of my roommates, Courtney and Danielle, who I had gotten to know online (thanks, Facebook, for giving college kids everywhere the ability to know perfect strangers better than their own neighbors!) and we proceeded to the first of seemingly endless stations.

We started by being assigned a place to live, a major concern of mine. Lucky for us, we got our first choice, a 3 bedroom apartment in Patterson Court (the newest and nicest apartments by far.) After we got our keys and our photo housing IDs (and you know I look fantastic in that extreme close up...) we proceeded to board the bus to head to Casting. On the bus we met another of our roommates, (there are six of us in total) Samantha. I decided I liked her because she was sporting a bright red bow and Hello Kitty sunglasses. Bow wearers are almost universally good people.

We arrived at casting (see picture of "adoorable" knobs somewhere attached to this post. I'm coming to you live from iPhone tonight because I have yet to learn how to connect to our Internet. Baby steps...) and entered in to a perfectly coordinated whirlwind. I was promptly, if unceremoniously, assigned my work location. Drum roll, please! I will be flitting about and making dreams come true at the Downtown Disney Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, the original location. This made me clap happily in a manner not unlike a trained seal.

The rest is a bit technical so I'll spare the detail. I worked out my pay, got my background check cleared, verified that I do, indeed, fit the Disney Look (a look I have apparently been following since birth,) got my schedule for Traditions (our orientation with the Disney Company,) and my training schedule for the week. And just like that, I'm a Disney Cast Member. (Again, somewhere attached to this is a picture of the cute statues inside Casting. Roll with me.)

I finally got to move in to my apartment and I cannot stop saying "ohmygoshitissoooonice!" when asked to describe my new home. See picture.
For those of you trapped in the frozen north, now may be the time to skip ahead to the next paragraph because this description may cause snow induced jealousy to flare. Go on ahead. We'll all meet up at the end. I live in a beautiful sunshine colored apartment complex in a gorgeous tree lined neighborhood and my apartment is feet from both laundry and the pool and gym. And palm trees. Palm trees everywhere.

I suspect I may have died on the way here and this is Heaven. It's hard to be certain with this much sunshine.

Tomorrow I have the day off so I am hitting the parks with Dad and Gram since I will be training all this week (yeee!) I know you can't judge an experience by the first day but I'm judging and it is magical.

1 comment:

  1. It's so gorgeous! You are going to be so tan when you come home. The idea of palm trees not made of silk sitting in the middle of a dreary shopping mall is certainly magical. You're going to have a blast!
