Saturday, March 3, 2012

Princess Rose and Other Stories

Pixie dusting is my favorite thing to do as a Fairy Godmother. I get to go out among the people who otherwise may not have experienced some Disney magic that day and spread the love (and glitter. Mostly the glitter.) It is also the time I encounter my more strange and, sometimes, wonderful stories.

Case in point: I have finally figured out how to say the spell in Spanish which always startles and delights Spanish speaking visitors. I can't understand this as I am clearly of Latin descent ( Scandinavia is Latin, right?) but none the less they are surprised to hear someone who uses the absolute lightest foundation color available speak Spanish, however poorly. The trouble comes when they then assume, not unreasonably, that I speak and understand Spanish. I have answered more questions with blank stares and frantic jumblings of the vocabulary I know than in my entire history of science classes ("so that means the moon is in phase 4, or metaphase, and should be waxing gibbons by the time it splits in to two moons... Right?") but at least they appreciate my efforts. Unlike the French who can just go right back to EuroDisney for all I care. You smell oddly off putting. This is not true for all French speakers. The Canadian politeness out does the French tendency toward rudeness in my visitors from Quebec and Montreal. Canadians can't help but be delightful. It's a national affliction. When I am treated rudely by a French guest for mutilating their language in an attempt to communicate with them since they didn't bother to learn even terrible English before arriving I smile and remind myself that without Americans speaking poor French they would be speaking really polished German. In my head I am Rick Blaine and of all the Disney Parks in all the world the walked in to mine...

I have gotten used to people taking pictures with me as long as I don't over think it (which, of course, I do on a regular basis.) It is not weird for me to take a picture with them because I think of them as people and I know I am a people but to them I am essentially a prop. I am not a real person and am more akin to the giant Lego sculpture of a dragon. This is weird. Almost as weird as when they take a picture of me rather than with me. Much like the castle I am an interesting object that should be snapped so as to recall it later. I just recently mastered the pose I like best (an overly dramatic curtsy I see the princesses use when photographed solo but with the fun addition of an outstretched wand! Glitter! Ya!) but only because there must be more pictures of me in Asian countries than of David Hasselhoff. And they love the Hoff.

Mostly, though, Pixie dusting is where I meet some truly delightful people and get to out delight them (or get coated in sparkles trying.) An entire family of adults approached for dusting recently and each forced the others to get their glitter on. Wendy and I worked through everyone (twin sisters who had to go at the same time, the bald grandfather who wished for flowing locks, everyone) except for grandma who thought she could hide by smiling in the back of the crowd. "Come on, mom! You have to! It's your birthday!" I closed in on this detail like a hawk on a poorly watched pet guinea pig. "Your birthday, Princess? Well you have to make a wish now. Pixie dust is especially powerful on birthdays." she acquiesced and everyone clapped when she got dusted. As they all clustered for pictures I asked her son what the birthday princess's name was. "Rose. She's 80 today." I disappeared in to the boutique and made up a birthday button like we give the girls that says "Happy Birthday Princess Yournamehere" and coated it with glitter (of course) and returned to the group. "Princess Rose," I stepped close to her, "when a princess celebrates a birthday the entire kingdom must know so they can celebrate too. As the birthday Princess you have to wear this button all vacation long so that everyone can wish you a happy birthday and treat you extra special. If they don't you can, of course, banish them to Universal Studios." Her smile was so big and she eagerly turned to her husband and said "Put it on me! Put it on me!" General happiness all around and off they went but her son, who had told me her age, stopped me. "That was really awesome." I started to tell him it's just how we do things here but he continued, "you made a really special day even better. Not only is today her birthday but it was also the day of her first grandson's wedding. That's why we're all here." I said "Congratulations!" "Thank you. Really."

She just might be my favorite princess. Even if I couldn't show off my rudimentary Spanish.

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